Walk Your Talk (One Step at a Time)

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Walk Your Talk (One Step at a Time), was kindly contributed by Scott Bowen and you can learn a little more about Scott in his bio (at the end of this post).

As you might know, I do occasionally publish articles offered by other people than myself. I always let you know when that’s the case.

Don’t tell people your dreams, show them. Share on X

Compared to a computer system, your software can never be completely free of errors. Rather than attempting to picture improving yourself as the process of eliminating 98 percent of your flaws. Chip away all of the parts that don’t make up the best version of you to reveal what’s actually hidden inside.

The Missing Keys free ebook - Forward Steps imageYou might recall the story of Michelangelo seeing David when he looked at a piece of marble that had been rejected by other sculptors.

Michelangelo said that all that he had to do was chip away all of the parts that weren’t David, to reveal him. That statue is now considered a masterpiece.

Even though you will undoubtedly fall short of your ideals occasionally, your mistakes won’t be that significant in the grand scheme.

“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” -Thomas Edison. Those were the wise remarks a great man who once walked the earth made. A man who put his beliefs into practice, one baby step at a time.

Increase Personal Credibility

Many of us go through life merely uttering platitudes without ever putting those words into action. We are mistaken that others would respect us and give us credibility only based on what we say rather than what we do.

This accurately describes the issue that a lot of individuals have. Many things are far simpler to discuss than they are to carry through.

There is something in life that each of us would like to accomplish, whether it be realizing a dream or achieving a goal that we have set for ourselves. Even though we discuss putting the plans into action, we never actually do it.

Stick to Your Goals

It is of the utmost importance that nothing we dream about remains unaccomplished. If you have a plan or a dream that you want to make a reality, you shouldn’t put it off, give up or delay if you want to make it happen. It will eventually just fall by the wayside if you act this way.

Walk Your Talk - Forward Steps blog quote 1500pxWords can easily be lost in the wind. You can always say, over and over again, that you will start working on your goals or dreams and drive them towards actualization. Yet, if you don’t start you will never see any result. For any plan to become a reality, action is essential.

Starting something new becomes an almost impossible when you assume that what’s seen ahead is a challenging route, this does not mean that taking it is not worthwhile. If you can restate your concerns in a more positive light and take the first courageous step, you will undoubtedly encounter several little victories.

These achievements will give you a sense of fulfilment and encourage you to take the next step.

Let us consider difficulties as stepping stones to a better life. Share on X

Put Words Into Action

It is a waste of time to continue standing there, talking about what you will do and looking off into the distance, then hoping that everything will magically happen by chance because you believe you can’t do any of those things.

“Act instead of begging. Sacrifice yourself with no hope of glory or reward! If you want to know the miracles, do them first. Only then can your peculiar destiny be fulfilled.” -Ludwig van Beethoven

You can feel assured that you will never make a mistake if all you do is talk about your fantastic ideas and projects without putting any of them into action. Mind you, you will also not be successful in reaching your targets.

Download a powerful chapter from one of Thea’s most favorite books, Infinite Self – 33 Steps To Reclaiming Your Inner Power by Stuart Wilde. Get the Your Word As Law [PDF] chapter at this link and read it for yourself.

The habit of talking the talk has distracted many people from walking the walk. Share on X

Do Not Hesitate

When you decide to try anything for the first time without much preparation or prior experience, there is a good chance that you could eventually reach a place where you start to feel disappointed and maybe even regretful about your decision.

At some point, you might get to the stage where you wish that you had never started on this journey in the first place.

The incentives for being courageous enough to keep walking are significantly more extensive than the rewards for giving up. Laziness brings about anxiety rather than any prize.

Living a life in which you constantly feel imprisoned and running away from everything that could be considered challenging or ambitious will not lead to greatness, happiness or a sense of pride in your accomplishments.

If you can talk the talk but can’t walk the walk you’ll look like a fool. That’s the risk but with great risk comes great reward. -Chael Sonnen Share on X

Be Confident To Walk Your Talk

Regrets of not taking action are significantly more severe than the regrets of having begun, doing something and making mistakes along the way.

You will know for the rest of your life that, at the very least, you attempted and made an effort to achieve your goals, your ambitions and what you believe in.

Before getting started, do not let yourself become paralyzed and do not hesitate. Do not allow fear to hold you back and prevent you from taking full advantage of everything life offers.

Please do not give yourself the luxury of even one day in which you do nothing except talk about your grand ideas and make no effort to put them into action. This will only cause you to experience an overwhelming sense of frustration and sadness.

Consider that opportunity is always right in front of you.

You are Almost There

It is essential to often put oneself in challenging situations and have a courageous attitude in life. Ignore people who advise that it is in your best interest to hold off, since they’re usually mistaken.

Action rather than words, should be your starting point if you want to witness the realization of your goals and ambitions. It is the only way to live a happy life. Dare to go after what you want and work hard to get it.

Start removing things from your life that are not filling your cup and adding things that bring joy in to your life. Share on X

Contributed by guest author

Walk Your Talk - Forward Steps Blog - Scott Bowen profile imageScott Bowen is an exceptional content writer and tech enthusiast. However, he doesn’t limit himself in a vacuum and has written on topics in multiple niches. Scott takes on every new subject as a challenge and accomplishes tasks after doing profound research.

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Hi, I'm Thea Westra at Forward Steps (forwardstepsblog.com)

Hi, I'm Thea Westra at Forward Steps (forwardstepsblog.com)

Since March 2003, I've been sharing practical, positive, thought provoking and inspiring self improvement content online. My aim is simple - to offer tips and resources that help us enhance our daily experience of life and to keep stepping forward. Perth, Western Australia is the place I call home and I'm the author of "Time For My Life: 365 Stepping Stones". You might also know me from the Forward Steps personal development blog and the daily series of "365 Forward Steps Notes", all designed to add wings to our unique life journeys.

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Walk Your Talk (One Step at a Time)Walk Your Talk (One Step at a Time)