28 Personal Development Affiliate Programs

The following affiliate programs are not listed in any order (other than my own affiliate program, the first one here below) and each is linked to my own 2nd-tier affiliate URL.

Also, scroll to near the end of this page for affiliate support programs that may help you.
Forward Steps publishes and promotes positive, empowering, upbeat, self growth content. As an affiliate you can share many self improvement & personal development collections, designed for adding wings to our unique life journey! Plus here are great tools you can use for sharing Forward Steps products.

Selling is something we do for our clients, not to our clients. -Zig Ziglar Share on X  

Here are 27 more personal development affiliate programs

affiliate programs - Inspire31. (ad) Inspire3– creates powerful products that help unlock the power of your mind, using scientifically-proven methods. Includes Zen12, Hypnosis Live, Subliminal360, Subliminal Guru, Raikov Effect, Nitrofocus, Brainwave Shots and more.


affiliate programs - Brain Evolution2. (ad) Brain Evolution– is the official affiliate program of BrainEv, Nitrofocus, Brain Salon and Sleep Salon. Brain Evolution System™ (or BrainEv), is a 6-level program for mastering the brain. Relaxing, beautifully-crafted, brainwave meditation recordings.


affiliate programs - Mind Movies3. (ad) Mind Movies– a fun, digital video vision board filled with positive affirmations, inspiring images and motivating music. Watching a mind movie everyday makes materializing your greatest passions & desires into your life fast, fun and easy.


affiliate programs - Mary Morrissey4. (ad) Mary Morrissey– has helped thousands and thousands of people step up to that greater life of their dreams, through her life coaching, speaking, consulting. Now it’s your turn. Mary’s vision is to help you bring your biggest dream into reality.


affiliate programs - Clickbank5. (ad) Clickbank– since 1998, has helped 10s of 1000s of people gain more financial control and freedom by turning their knowledge, passions, hobbies and work experiences into an additional source of income. Receive tools, training and access to a global network.


Affiliate programs - Greater Minds6. (ad) Wealth Beyond Reason– one of the largest and most comprehensive programs on The Law of Attraction ever produced. It was created by Law of Attraction Expert, Bob Doyle, featured teacher from ‘The Secret’.


affiliate programs - Sonia Ricotti7. (ad) Sonia Ricotti– is #1 bestselling author of Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down. She shares her advanced teachings to help you through any difficult time and achieve great success, inner peace and happiness.


affiliate programs - The Cure Is8. (ad) The Cure Is– unveils true stories, woven with testimonials from top scientists, doctors and evolutionary leaders creates a mind-blowing journey of self-discovery. This is now shown at Amazon so click the link and sign up as an Amazon Associate to promote the movie.


affiliate programs - Evolving Wisdom9. (ad) Evolving Wisdom– brings visionaries and wisdom teachers together with passionate learners for the purpose of creating deep transformation at all levels. Expanding to include many of today’s most sought-after teachers.


affiliate programs - Centerpointe Holosync10. (ad) Centerpointe Research Institute– created a proprietary audio technology called Holosync based on research at the world-famous Menninger Clinic and Mt. Sinai Medical Center and now used by over 2.2 million people in 193 countries. Holosync instantly puts you into states of deep meditation.


affiliate programs - John Assaraf11. (ad) John Assaraf– at NeuroGym, has a suite of products and programs to help individuals and business owners grow and thrive financially, and overcome fears and procrastination that are stopping them from achieving their highest potential.


affiliate programs - You Wealth Revolution12. (ad) ‘You Wealth’ Revolution Network– is a heart based global intention event. Their purpose is to awaken millions to connect with their inner wealth, passion and purpose to create an amazing and inspired life. Darius Barazandeh and dozens of top inspirational leaders have joined forces to offer life altering programs, systems and events.


affiliate programs - Quantum Success Coaching13. (ad) Quantum Success Coaching– join Christy Whitman’s program to become a Quantum Success Law of Attraction Coach. Expand your consciousness in every way possible & experience more of the potential that lies within your being at every level.


affiliate programs - Your Year Of Miracles14. (ad) Your Year Of Miracles– is a year-long group mentoring program hosted by Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Garr to show you exactly how to create the success and happiness that’s beyond what you think is possible. The program offers tools to experience real miracles in all areas of life.


affiliate programs - McLean MasterWorks15. (ad) McLean MasterWorks– through various free gifts in this funnel including a “Which Empath Archetype Are You” quiz and a powerful ebook, plus a high converting webinar and live Q&A, your audience will start to realize and embrace their new understanding of who and what they are and how to use this awakened super power.


affiliate programs - Live Out Loud16. (ad) Live Out Loud– Wish You Were a Millionaire? Who doesn’t? The “Millionaire Maker”, Loral Langemeier (5 time bestselling author and international money maker), provides the step-by-step to create real wealth & success for real people.


affiliate programs - Enlightened Manifestor17. (ad) Enlightened Manifestor– feel amazing when you help others learn how to manifest more abundance, confidence, energy and personal freedom! This awesome online experience is bringing an enlightened state of consciousness, around the globe.


affiliate programs - Sounds True18. (ad) Sounds True– has created the world’s largest living library of transformational teachings that support and accelerate spiritual awakening and personal transformation. This living library is available on multiple media platforms and in multiple languages.


affiliate programs - Brightline Eating19. (ad) Brightline Eating– is grounded in cutting edge psychology and neuroscience, and its tenets fly in the face of almost every commonly accepted weight loss strategy. It gives you a plan to follow that is effective and proven to work. No pills and no powders.


affiliate programs - Avaiya20. (ad) Avaiya– by Ande Anderson and iKE ALLEN, is known as a leader in positively-focused media and their products are respected by and of service to people around the world. They value collaboration, honesty, integrity, prosperity and a world that works for everyone.


affiliate programs - Manifestation Breakthrough Kit21. (ad) Manifestation Breakthrough Kit– was created by Law of Attraction expert and Author, Heather Matthews. Includes a special report, a short video & an mp3 audio file. Brain entrainment technology combined with abundant affirmations.


affiliate programs - Simple Truths22. (ad) Simple Truths– less is almost always more. This “simple truth” is the foundation on which this company was built. Mac Anderson wanted to create beautiful gift books that anyone can read in less than thirty minutes. Enjoy their powerful videos too.


affiliate programs - Share A Sale23. (ad) Share A Sale– has been in business for 13 years, exclusively as an affiliate marketing network. It hosts 3,900+ affiliate programs spanning 40 different categories, with an extensive list of merchants covering every niche including personal development.


affiliate programs - The Portal Movie24. (ad) The Portal Movie– film by Tom Cronin traverses in and around six, powerful, real-life stories of people that have overcome crisis using yoga, meditation and mindfulness. It also explores our own planetary crisis and asks us some big questions.


affiliate programs - Better Living With Hypnosis25. (ad) Better Living With Hypnosis– is the website of Dr. Steve G. Jones Ed.D. He currently offers over 4,000 hypnosis titles on their products page. All products are digital downloads. Most customers purchase multiple titles, even entire collections.


affiliate programs - iAwake Technologies26. (ad) iAwake Technologies– design an ever growing, ever evolving library of transformational tools that helps millions of people from all walks of life dramatically experience deeper states of joy, peace, creativity and purpose.


affiliate programs - Passionate Penny Pinchers27. (ad) Passionate Penny Pinchers– a system with game-changing planners that transform your daily chaos into a smooth, manageable routine. It’s helped thousands of families create a more peaceful and organized life.


affiliate programs - Food Revolution Network28. (ad) Food Revolution Network– Food Revolution Network is committed to inspiring and advocating for healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all through education about plant-powered foods. Guided by John & Ocean Robbins with more than 700K members.
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Resources for affiliate support programs:

(ad) Affilorama

(ad) Thirsty Affiliates

(ad) Affiliate Handbook

(ad) Thrivecart

(ad) Thrive Architect

(ad) Affiliate Tips

(ad) iDevAffiliate


There will always be more affiliate programs added here, over time! Return to this page periodically to check in for updates.

PLUS check out these free gifts from friends…CHECK out the following great resources as well…Forward Steps Personal Development ยป Affiliate programs

Hi, I'm Thea Westra at Forward Steps (forwardstepsblog.com)

Hi, I'm Thea Westra at Forward Steps (forwardstepsblog.com)

Since March 2003, I've been sharing practical, positive, thought provoking and inspiring self improvement content online. My aim is simple - to offer tips and resources that help us enhance our daily experience of life and to keep stepping forward. Perth, Western Australia is the place I call home and I'm the author of "Time For My Life: 365 Stepping Stones". You might also know me from the Forward Steps personal development blog and the daily series of "365 Forward Steps Notes", all designed to add wings to our unique life journeys.

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28 Personal Development Affiliate Programs