Do you have a personal development website or blog of your own? Have you written a self improvement article that you might like to publish here at Forward Steps?
Contribute and publish self help content you have written by using the form button you’ll see near end of this post.
* I only accept quality articles chosen from the personal development and self growth topics listed at this page.
* If you did want to donate for the pleasure of posting an article then you can make that payment that here.
Your article will be published depending on your article delivering great value to Forward Steps subscribers and only if your bio URL points to your own genuine and well presented, self improvement website.
First… a few very important notes:
Guest posts are published at the Forward Steps blog when your article is of a quality and depth which impresses me and you have followed publishing instructions, below.
Only one, single ‘nofollow’ link is allowed and posted in the article’s bio.
Below, you can read about the continued promotion that your article receives from me.
I do not accept articles sent to me directly in emailed attachment files. To publish, use the link for article submissions (provided further below).
Read all 12 points below, then…
Submit your article (using the button provided, further below). The following 12 points are not in any order, each is as important as the next…
It is FREE to publish a self growth article with me and no reciprocation of any kind is expected from you.
Your article will be published provided that it is good quality, that your bio points to your own, genuine and well presented self growth website and that your article brings great value to Forward Steps readers. It will be displayed on the home page of the guest blog while it remains one of 20+ most recent blog posts.
Your article will be rotated repeatedly, on automatic & continuous rotation, at my Forward Steps (ad) Facebook page, (ad) Twitter account, (ad) Instagram account, (ad) Pinterest account and in (ad) LinkedIn updates. Facebook & social media blog posts will look (ad) like this example image here I do that by using my MeetEdgar account, as you can see here [CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE]
Your article will be sent to Forward Steps subscribers (ad) via my Aweber account, in a broadcast email and will be added as an email in pre-scheduled follow up emails for all future Forward Steps email subscribers to see. [CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE]
Your article post will also be introduced and linked in one of the 365 Forward Steps Notes, for my subscribers to “bump into” along their journey through their regular Forward Steps series. You can see a recent example of a Note with article inserted, here.
Please be aware of copyright when sending material. All the work needs to be your own or work to which you have full rights.
I will create images for your article. You can see examples in the more recent articles published at this blog. Those images are used by me for sharing your article at social sites (as outlined above).
It is important for you to also include 3 or 4 lines about yourself and your website. Your bio needs to include a live link back to your personal improvement web site. If you do not include a few lines of bio about yourself and your site then your contribution will not be published. ALSO, the ONLY place where links will be placed in your article is within the bio, not anywhere within your article content.
Please… scroll to the footer of (ad) this proof reader website and use the free plagiarism checker and grammar checker, before sending your contribution.
If your post’s bio contains links to products that have an affiliate program, then… if I am already a member of that program, I will replace your URL with my own affiliate URL. Note too, that I may make small edits to your article on occasion. These will not alter the meaning of your text and might simply be grammar or spelling changes.
Some guest authors ask to know more about the Forward Steps audience, so these might be useful:
(ad) Age of most Forward Steps subscribers
(ad) Gender of most Forward Steps subscribers
(ad) Formatting Forward Steps subscribers most like (handy to know for your bio link)
(ad) Topics that most Forward Steps subscribers prefer
Topics that I most prefer to publish
Top 10 blog posts for 2019 (ranked using Forward Steps subscribers’ social sharing).
Top 10 blog posts for 2020 (ranked using Forward Steps subscribers’ social sharing).
To know word count and other like details for the article, simply click the button right below…
You might need to wait up to a week (sometimes a little longer), before I post your article contribution, and publication time will depend on my schedule!
I recommend reading this excellent advice by Glen Allsopp (ad) Guest Blogging: The Ultimate Guide and this excellent (ad) post by Peter Sandeen.
PLUS check out these free gifts from friends…CHECK out the following great resources as well…Forward Steps Personal Development ยป