Overnight Success (Like A Bamboo Shoot)

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Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels in the sand?

Are the things you’re working on not moving forward as quickly as you’d expected?

Have you ever seen bamboo in the wild?

What a lot of people don’t know about bamboo is that it’s an overnight success.⁣⁣

Let me explain…⁣

Forward Steps Personal Development Collection ImageYou see, while all the other plants are growing around it, the bamboo plant stays nestled underground.⁣

For years … the bamboo shoot just lies in the dirt as life seems to pass it by.⁣

There are no signs of growth above the surface.⁣

You wouldn’t even know it’s there.

However, while it looks asleep, the bamboo is actually growing roots underground.⁣

It stretches out to build a well-developed root system and it will call upon these roots when the time is right…⁣

Then, after five long years, the bamboo starts to show signs of life.

It emerges hesitantly from the cold, spring soil at first…⁣

Then suddenly, it shoots up – every day faster and faster.⁣

That’s why it’s called a “bamboo shoot”.⁣

One centimetre a day. Five centimetres a day. Eight centimetres a day.⁣⁣

Faster than all the other plants around it.⁣

Soon, it’s shooting skywards at a rate of several feet per day!⁣

Within just two months – the bamboo is fully grown…

Overnight Success - Forward Steps Personal Development Blog 1500pxSometimes 100 feet tall.⁣

Incredible, right?⁣

I believe it’s the same with success.⁣

You see, many people think success should come quickly…⁣

They have a go at something for a few weeks – then when they don’t see progress, they give up and say…

“Oh this doesn’t work!”⁣

“I tried my best!”⁣

“This is a scam.”⁣

Yet, is that the truth?⁣

Or is that just a lie they tell themselves to feel better?⁣

You tell me…⁣

Anyway. That attitude just tells me they’re talking absolute nonsense.⁣

Almost anything worthwhile in life takes time.⁣

Almost anything worthwhile in life takes time Share on X

It took me years before I finally tasted success…⁣

When I first got into business, I worked 12 to 14 hours every single day for 5 years straight.⁣

Not one single day off.⁣

While my friends back then laughed at me.

People told me to give up.⁣

They told me I was wasting my time.⁣

I didn’t listen.⁣

I had a dream and I said, “I don’t care how long it takes me – I’m going to do whatever it takes”.

That’s what I want you to take away from this.⁣

It’s hard in the beginning. I remember what it’s like.⁣

It can feel like there’s no progress sometimes!⁣

It can feel like there’s no progress sometimes!⁣ Share on X

Simply think back to the bamboo…

What happened after it grew roots?⁣

Didn’t it shoot up and become one of the strongest and tallest plants of the forest?⁣

Think about that.⁣

It’ll be the same for you too…⁣

Just like bamboo, once you make your breakthrough, you will grow. Faster and faster.⁣

Higher than everyone around you. You’ll be unstoppable.⁣

When others call you an overnight success, you can smile to yourself.

Knowing the real secret to your success…⁣

Knowing that the copycats and wannabes won’t be willing to put in the work that you did to succeed…

You’ll be enjoying the view from above.⁣

Be like bamboo.

PLUS check out these free gifts from friends…CHECK out the following great resources as well…Forward Steps Personal Development » Overnight Success (Like A Bamboo Shoot)

Hi, I'm Thea Westra at Forward Steps (forwardstepsblog.com)

Hi, I'm Thea Westra at Forward Steps (forwardstepsblog.com)

Since March 2003, I've been sharing practical, positive, thought provoking and inspiring self improvement content online. My aim is simple - to offer tips and resources that help us enhance our daily experience of life and to keep stepping forward. Perth, Western Australia is the place I call home and I'm the author of "Time For My Life: 365 Stepping Stones". You might also know me from the Forward Steps personal development blog and the daily series of "365 Forward Steps Notes", all designed to add wings to our unique life journeys.

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Overnight Success (Like A Bamboo Shoot)Overnight Success (Like A Bamboo Shoot)