Positive Energy Reservoir For Our Planet

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The Global Coherence Initiative is one of many care and compassion initiatives taking place on the planet. Be sure to grab their helpful free booklet (ad) De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times

The Missing Keys free ebook - Forward Steps imageEach year, an increasing number of groups and online communities are radiating compassion and care to the planet in these times of need.

They and others feel that these collective heart-based initiatives, rather than being a trend, represent the proactive consciousness platform of the future, in which individuals and communities take responsibility for shaping a new world by increasing love, care and compassion for the global whole.

Many people recognize that their meditations, prayers, affirmations and intentions can and do affect the world.

By sending coherent heart energy to the planet, you benefit personally. Practicing coherence has a carryover effect that helps to cushion you through stressors Share on X

Researchers suggest that these activities can have even more transformative and lasting impact by adding heart coherence to the process.

Heart coherence is a distinct mode of synchronized psycho-physical functioning associated with sustained positive emotion. It is a state of energetic alignment and cooperation between heart, mind, body and spirit.

Forward Steps - Positive Energy - Everything is energy quote 1000pxIn coherence, energy is accumulated, not wasted, leaving you more energy to manifest intention and harmonious outcomes.

Adding heart coherence to meditation, prayer and intention practices is an important aspect of the Global Coherence Initiative. It adds order and increased effectiveness to whatever form of practice you are doing.

The Global Coherence Initiative offers education and technology on how to increase individual heart coherence.

As groups of people in the Global Coherence community intentionally send coherent love and care to the world, a more powerful heart-filled environment is created.

This helps to build a reservoir of positive energy that benefits the planet. This reservoir can then be utilized to help bring balance and stabilization to people, thereby making it easier to find solutions to problems like climate change, the destruction of the rain forests, poverty, war, hunger and other global issues.

Positive Energy - Forward Steps image_1In addition, by sending coherent heart energy to the planet, you benefit personally.

Practicing coherence has a carryover effect that helps to cushion you through stressors and challenges that occur day to day.

Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath, a leading stress research institute, has written a free booklet (ad) De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times that provides a few simple practices to help people intercept and manage stress during this period of challenge and uncertainty.

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Hi, I'm Thea Westra at Forward Steps (forwardstepsblog.com)

Hi, I'm Thea Westra at Forward Steps (forwardstepsblog.com)

Since March 2003, I've been sharing practical, positive, thought provoking and inspiring self improvement content online. My aim is simple - to offer tips and resources that help us enhance our daily experience of life and to keep stepping forward. Perth, Western Australia is the place I call home and I'm the author of "Time For My Life: 365 Stepping Stones". You might also know me from the Forward Steps personal development blog and the daily series of "365 Forward Steps Notes", all designed to add wings to our unique life journeys.

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Positive Energy Reservoir For Our PlanetPositive Energy Reservoir For Our Planet